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News > OJ Club News > A frosty Winter Meeting for the Golf Society

A frosty Winter Meeting for the Golf Society

We enjoyed our usual jovial and entertaining winter meeting at Walton Heath on Friday 1st December with a big field of 27 golfers with Roger Goodacre (Red Cross-1968) and Ian Clarke (Chevron-1958) joining us for an excellent lunch in the Fowler room. As the attached photos record, it was cold and very frosty but the snow held off and the course thawed out as our round complete with hand mitts continued – all the hardy souls had a great day and even recorded some good scores.

John Fraser (Star-1966) won the Waud Winter Cup with an impressive score of 35 points that was only matched by honorary member Jeremy Williamson (who appropriately won the Honorary cup!)

2nd 3rd and 4th places went to Simon Clapham 33 (Chevron-1979), Alex Fleet 33 (Crescent-1997) and Dan Burstow 31 (Shield-1996) respectively. Nearest the pin winners were the Jeremys – Waud and Williamson and the longest drive was Joe White (Eagle-2016). Michael James (Chevron-1998) won the prize for the loudest blazer (it seems Millfield have less taste in blazers than us!) and he also won the guest prize.

We were delighted to welcome OJ President Ben Searls (Eagle-1999) for his first outing alongside two other first time OJ golfers, Ben Priest (Martlet-1986) and Ross Cornet (Eagle-1999) – you are all extremely welcome, as were the younger contingent lead by Will Collard (Crescent-2018), Ed Fairfax (Woodard-2017) and Ben Rigby (Eagle-2017).

The fun and games continued at the Waud wine cellar with numerous bottles that the Captain, VC and others will doubtless not remember before being soaked up with a huge pile of Pizza. (Jackie cant wait for next year she tells me!)

If you haven’t attended this meeting before, I highly recommend it for the fun and camaraderie.

With thanks to Jeremy Waud (Shield-1978) for the report

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