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News > Foundation News > Canon Bruce Ruddock - Thanksgiving Eucharist to celebrate 40 years of priesthood

Canon Bruce Ruddock - Thanksgiving Eucharist to celebrate 40 years of priesthood

In July 1984 Canon Bruce Ruddock (Fleur de Lys 1969-1979) was ordained priest in Hurst Chapel. This was the only occasion on which an ordination of priests has ever taken place in the chapel. As the son of a master (Reg Ruddock) Bruce was baptised in the chapel in 1955.. He was later confirmed there in in 1970.

In thanksgiving for forty years of priesthood and for the profound effect the chapel life has had on his vocation and by kind permission of the school chaplain, Bruce will celebrate a said Eucharist in the Memorial Chapel on Saturday 13th July at 11am.

Any OJ’s who would like to attend will be most welcome. Please let him know if you would like to do so on

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